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May 28, 2020

Not all colleges and universities will survive this pandemic, says Kate Foster *93, president of The College of New Jersey. But the forest fire raging through higher education will also make room for new growth — opportunities for creative partnerships and possibilities. Transcript: 

May 26, 2020

Even as the "Princeton diaspora" is scattered across the world, Rabbi Ira Dounn of the Center for Jewish Life finds that students are maintaining relationships and finding, if not closure, the continuity of being part of the University now and for the rest of their lives. Transcript:

May 21, 2020

How do you make sound policy decisions for one of the U.S.’s largest cities when faced with limited information about a fast-spreading disease? Eric Johnson *03 explains how he’s charting a course for his constituents through uncertain times. Transcript:

May 18, 2020

No vaccine has ever come to market in less than four years, says Gordon Douglas ’55, the former president of Merck’s vaccine division and a doctor with decades of clinical and academic experience. Hear how he recommends speeding up the process. Transcript:

May 12, 2020

Princeton senior Nicholas Johnson reflects on becoming the first black student to achieve this honor in school history. He also explains the impact he hopes to have with his computational research into human behavior — including behaviors related to COVID-19 — and how he and his 2020 classmates have persisted...